Exam Process

In order to receive credit for a CEM course, each candidate is required to take and pass the corresponding examination within 90 days from the last day of a CEM course. If an exam is not completed within the 90-day window, IAEE will enter a score of zero into the candidate’s record. The candidate will then be required to pay a $25.00 administrative fee to “retake” the exam and will have 30 days to take it. If the candidate fails the exam or misses the exam during the 30-day period, the candidate will be required to retake the course and the exam at full cost in order to receive credit for the course. 

Procedures for Taking an Examination after Successful Completion of an On-Location or Virtual Course

Candidates have two options for completing their exam – they may take the exam immediately following the course or choose to take the exam at a later date, but within 90 days of the course date.

  1. Take Exam Immediately Following Course– For an on-location course, candidates will need to bring a laptop or Wi-Fi enabled device and a battery life of at least one hour. The CEM instructor or IAEE onsite staff representative will act as the proctor and instruct students on the exam process. For a virtual class, candidates will stay on Zoom and the CEM instructor or IAEE staff will act as the proctor.
  2. Take Exam at a Later Date– If the candidates chooses to wait to take the exam, they will contact IAEE staff at cem@iaee.com to schedule their exam.

Procedures for Taking an Examination after Successful Completion of an On-Demand Course

After successful completion of an on-demand course, candidates will have the opportunity to take the exam in Elevate. No proctor is needed.

Retaking a CEM Exam

Candidates who do not receive a passing score will need to retake the exam within one year in order to receive credit for the course.

The fee to retake a CEM Exam is $25.00 and the candidate should contact IAEE at cem@iaee.com to schedule their retake.

If the retake exam is not passed, it is a CEM Learning Program requirement that the candidate register for the course a second time and pass the required exam in order to proceed towards the CEM designation.