CEM Emeritus
A CEM who has earned Emeritus status is an individual who has made a significant contribution to the CEM Learning Program and the exhibitions and events industry. This respected individual knows how the CEM designation has helped in his or her professional life and why it has been important to maintain the designation.
CEM – Emeritus is a lifetime designation and does not have an expiration date. IAEE and the CEM Learning Program are proud to have CEM – Emeritus designated individuals as part of the program.
CEM Emeritus Status Requirements
- Must turn 61 years of age or older the year CEM recertification is required
- Must be an active CEM in good standing
- Must have been a designated CEM for at least six consecutive years prior to application
To Apply for Emeritus Status
- Log in to the IAEE Member Dashboard
- Click on Product Search under the Online Store and search for “Emeritus”
- Click on CEM Emeritus Fee and ADD TO CART
- After reading the Product Details, email a short essay to cem@iaee.com on how the CEM designation has helped in your professional life and why it is important to maintain the CEM designation. Also include proof of age documentation, such as a driver’s license
- Submit Emeritus fee of $250 USD through the IAEE Member Dashboard shopping cart
- Must apply for Emeritus status by 31 December the year CEM recertification is required
Once payment is made and application is approved, the Emeritus CEM will receive an approval letter and certificate. Emeritus CEMs have a lifetime CEM designation with no expiration date and therefore are not required to recertify every three years.