Get Unstuck from Typical Routines – Virtual


Program Description: When your exhibitors struggle… you struggle. Learn more about one of their biggest challenges (getting unstuck from typical routines) and explore effective ways to address it from both their perspective and yours, as an exhibition organizer.

Strategic Topic Selection & Positive Promotion for Sponsored Sessions – Virtual


Program Description: If your trade show includes sponsored sessions (or your organization permits other educational sessions to be presented by suppliers to your industry), then you may be concerned about some of the common challenges that often come with those types of sessions, like limited attendance, poor reviews, and real-time complains from those professionals if/when their sessions fall flat.

Neuroscience of Exhibitions and Events – CEM Week

Freeman Alexandria 11 Canal Center Plaza Suite 100, Alexandria, VA, United States

Our brain selects or inhibits information based on our motivations and needs. Our social concerns are the primary drivers for how we behave. As event and exhibitions professionals we must create event experiences that driver deeper meaning, inspire innovation, accelerate connections and maximize our attendees’ brainpower to supercharge results. It is not about creating high energy events and exhibitions; it is about creating experiences that are meaningful and engage the social brain. This course will help you discover the primary colors of intrinsic motivation, explore how to optimize the physical space of our events and exhibitions to produce experiences that influence what attendees think, and how they think so you can drive the results you want from your show.

Housing and Registration Management – CEM Week

Freeman Alexandria 11 Canal Center Plaza Suite 100, Alexandria, VA, United States

Today’s exhibition professional has more to do than simply manage an exhibition. In reality, an exhibition professional is responsible for several crucial service-related elements. Two of the service fundamentals inherent in most events are arranging for accommodations for guests (“housing”) and identifying which guests will be allowed access to which portion of an event (“registration”). Planning must begin early to ensure housing and registration are easily assessed and do not become a hindrance to attending the event. When managed well, housing and registration can enhance an event and create an incentive for future attendance.

Event Series CEM: Strategic Planning & Management

Strategic Planning and Management – CEM Week

Freeman Alexandria 11 Canal Center Plaza Suite 100, Alexandria, VA, United States

In order for organizations that plan, manage or own exhibitions and events to remain competitive, they must continually define and review their strategies. This includes measuring where an event falls within a particular market segment, developing plans to ensure business continuity, and positioning an exhibition or event for success.