Central Texas Chapter Event: Coffee Convo-Sustainability
VirtualCentral Texas Chapter Event: Coffee Convo-Sustainability
Central Texas Chapter Event: Coffee Convo-Sustainability
DFW Chapter Event: Donuts & Dish
Housing and Registration Management
Webinar: Sales and Marketing Alignment Best Practices
IAEE Members: Join us for this FREE networking event and open discussion on different topics to foster meaningful conversation about the Consumer Events industry. Facilitated by Lindsay Hubley, Senior Vice President, Sports and Outdoor Division - Outdoor Retailer, Overland Expo, and Surf Expo, Emerald X, LLC (EEX)
Harmonizing Marketing and Sales Collaboration: Conversations for Sales Success - Virtual Meetup
DC Chapter Event: Karaoke Night
Attendee Acquisition Roundtable is a facilitated information-sharing experience for executives, managers, marketers, creative professionals, social media and digital specialists, list/Db managers, research managers, and content developers.
In order for organizations that plan, manage or own exhibitions and events to remain competitive, they must continually define and review their strategies. This includes measuring where an event falls within a particular market segment, developing plans to ensure business continuity, and positioning an exhibition or event for success.
Join others like yourself for an informal, open conversation for organizer members on the 3rd Friday of each month. This session is free to IAEE members, so come share your experiences and knowledge and pick up tips or innovative solutions during the discussion. We invite non-member organizers to attend for $49 USD. Once registered you […]